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LFPN – Toussus Le Noble (Dpt78 - France) provides an extremly detailed Parisian airport, including ground and buildings high definition day and night textures. The scenery covers about 60 km2 and adds the airport an extended photorealistic area including specific autogen and VFR landmarks.

The scenery can be used as a standalone product or in addition to the FlightParis BasePack scenery without any adaptation. Because of it’s particular concept, the scenery is compatible with all existing mesh.


  • Toussus Le Noble extremly detailed airport with its surrounding.
  • « Real world » 3D buildings objects optimized for better rendering and performances.
  • Photo-real high definition ground and buildings textures including night textures.
  • Specific autogen and numerous VFR landmarks included.
  • Scenery can be used as a standalone product or in addition to the FlightParis BasePack.
  • All meshs can be used without any modification.
  • SIA – VAC – IAC – ARRDEP charts provided.

Mais informações e fotos aqui;

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